A singer-songwriter belonging to Music Production "& Music".
In 2019, 3 songs were released through the music distribution service Spotify, and suddenly the 2nd Single "riding on" recorded more than 10,000 plays on the west coast of the United States, and the 1st Single "beauty era charm" and 3rd Single " "Answer" is also widely heard in Europe, mainly in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, and has more than 6,000 followers on Spotify.
In addition to releasing her own songs, she also participates in collaborations with overseas artists and engages in music activities on the world stage.
From 2013 to 2014, she released eight of her own original songs from her music distribution site such as iTunes, and at the same time released eight music videos on YouTube. She is well received. (Currently, only the Single Collection and her digest version are released)
With her hometown Nagoya on air (ZIP-FM), it became a hot topic on distribution sites such as Amazon mp3 and iTunes, and it will be downloaded overseas. She felt her response to her distribution record, and released Single CD & DVD nationwide in June and October 2015. Her 1st single "Your voice / I want to see you and the sea tomorrow" has received a lot of attention from TV and radio on air, mainly in western Japan. In her 2nd single "Laila Lai / into the way of love" released on October 21, her release event was held in various places mainly in the Tokai region with the cooperation of CD shop TOWER RECORDS in addition to being on air on TV and radio. It was.
In 2016, she said on TV Aichi "Sunday! "Tomorrow, I want to see you and the sea" is on air from the 1st single as the ending song for July and August.
From the 3rd single CD "Nothing Needs" released in April 2017 and the 4th single "Sora to Asa" released in February 2018, the recorded songs are the Nippon TV music program "Buzz Rhythm" and the Kansai TV music program "Otoemon". At first, it was featured in various programs.
Also, from the 4th single "Sky and Morning", the lead song "Sky and Morning" was selected as TOKYO FM February POWER PLAY.
In 2018 and 2019, she appeared on Nippon Television's "24-hour TV Love Saves the Earth" Chukyo Television Special Live.
From August 2019, new songs will be distributed on the music distribution service Spotify. The 2nd single "riding on" has been featured in many playlists and has begun to be heard on the west coast of the United States. In addition, the 1st single "beauty era charm" has gained many listeners in the UK, and the 3rd single "answer" is spreading from the Netherlands.
While focusing on J-POP melody and Japanese, in addition to her expressions in English and various chorus works, she built a novel sound by the production team "& Music" centered on her, and it has been echoed overseas. It has gained.
配信サービスSpotifyでAkane Hatanakaとして楽曲配信を始める。同時にOfficial Instagram開設。リリース直後から『riding on』と『beauty era charm』がSpotifyのプレイリストに多く取り上げられ、日本のメロディとJazz、Rock、Electro Musicを融合させたポップかつ実験的な作品でアメリカ西海岸、イギリス・オランダを中心に海外から反響を得る。また海外からコラボレーションのオファーを多くいただくようになる。
フランスのラップアーティストWhite Boi Rickとのコラボレーション作品である『voulez vous danser ?(ヴーレヴー・ダンス)』を発表。アメリカ・イギリス・オランダに加え、カナダでも大きな反響を得る。
『while』をリリース。Official Instagramではリリースにさきがけ弾き語り動画およびLyricVideoを先行発表し、多くのコメントが寄せられるなど好評を博す。
『life is value creation』を配信リリース。同曲は山形テレビYTSスペシャル「搾りたて勢ぞろい 山形ほろ酔い蔵めぐり」のエンディングテーマソングとしてもオンエアされました。また同曲は関西テレビ「音いたち」でも2月の「推しいたちソング」としてオンエア。
miniAlbum『Summer already?』web版を『Akaneee’sRoom』でリリース。同作品より1stSingleとして『二度目の夏』、2ndSingleとして『Mermaid』を期間限定でそれぞれ無料公開。全国のFMラジオ局でオンエアされ、大きな反響を得ている。また『Mermaid』はフジテレビ『魔女 に言われたい夜』8月度エンディングテーマとしても採用されている。